IN A significant gesture of support for families and professionals affected by the tragic loss of young lives, West Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion has donated £4,000 to the charity 2wish. 

This donation coincides with the start of RoadPeace’s National Road Victim Month, highlighting Mr Campion's commitment to addressing the aftermath of road fatalities. 

2wish, which collaborates closely with RoadPeace, provides crucial support to those impacted by the sudden death of a child or young person under 25. 

The charity's services include memory boxes, local bereavement rooms, home visits, counselling, and various therapeutic activities. These resources are designed to help both grieving families and the first responders, such as West Mercia Police officers, who encounter these devastating situations. 

Mr Campion expressed his deep concern over the emotional toll of such losses, stating: “Any loss of life is a true tragedy, including in road collisions. But when the loss of a young person – whether a child, a friend, or a sibling – is sudden and unexpected, that pain is unimaginable and impossible to process.”  

He highlighted his appreciation for 2wish's work, noting: “I want to make sure anyone affected by loss under these circumstances receives the support and guidance they need in their darkest hour.” 

Chief Inspector Julian Smith, who has begun implementing 2wish’s resources within West Mercia Police, praised the collaboration, saying: “The opportunity to work alongside 2wish is something that was an absolute gift.” 

Rhian Mannings MBE, founder of 2wish, expressed gratitude for the donation, saying, “We are so grateful for the donation from Mr Campion which will help support those families who find themselves in the awful position of losing a child.”