ARE you under the age of 25 and live in Ross-on-Wye? Then you may be eligible for an award from the Minett and Skyrme Charity Trust.

The trust looks to award small grants towards promoting the education, including social and physical training, of children and young persons who live in the town of Ross-on-Wye, including Hildersley and Greytree, who are in need of financial assistance.

The Minett and Skyrme Charity Trust was set up to administer and manage the land donated by Messrs Minett and Skyrme, the land previously occupied by Ross Elementary School in Cantilupe Road in Ross.

Any funds raised from rental or sale of the land is to be used for the benefit and advancement of young people from the town of Ross-on-Wye and the parish of rural Ross.

Anyone under the age of 25 pursuing; educational, sporting or other artistic development who requires financial assistance may apply.

Consideration is also given to applications from the schools in the Ross area for items that are not funded by the local authority.

Sporting and other organisations, including clubs may also apply for awards if the majority of their members reside in the Ross area.

To apply visit the website: and complete the online application form prior to the next meeting of trustees, which is taking place on October 15, 2024.