A promise that Ross Library will not close, nor have its opening hours reduced, was given by the Mayor of Ross-on-Wye during his instalation ceremony.

Councillor Harry Bramer, who is a County Councillor and member of the Cabinet, as well as a Town Councillor, was presented with his chain of office and robes during the ceremony at the Larruperz Centre on Monday, June 4th.

Local singer Josie O’Driscoll entertained the invited guests while former Mayor, Councillor Nigel Gibbs robed Cllr Bramer.

Guests, including the High Sheriff of Herefordshire, several Mayors from neighbouring towns, the Chair of Herefordshire Council and a few of the Ross Town Councillors then greeted the new Mayor with applause before he introduced his consort, Maria Ward and presented the Deputy Mayor, Valerie Coker, with her badge of office.

Cllr Gibbs thanked his wife Gill, the Mayoress, and presented a cheque for £2,300 to Mary Seldon, Herefordshire Fundraising Manager for Midlands Air Ambulance. She said the charity is very grateful to everyone who fundraises for them and this amount represented the cost of saving one life.

Cllr Gibbs also thanked the Town Clerk and the administration staff.

The new Mayor, Councillor Bramer then outlined his objectives for the forthcoming year. As well as his commitment to Ross Library he said how pleased he was to hear about the progress of the Ross Enterprise Park, formerly known as Model Farm.

He said: “This will create thousands of new jobs and regenerate the economy of Ross-on-Wye.

“It is the most significant economic development since the M50 was built in the 1960s.”

Cllr Bramer also pledged his support to the Royal British Legion and to the events marking 100 years since the Armistice.

He introduced Launa Brooks, the regional fundraiser for Papyrus prevention of young suicide. She said that their helpline differs from other organisations because they will give advice and even stage interventions.

She added that suicide is the biggest killer of young people up to the age of 35 and part of the charity’s objective is to encourage people to talk more openly about it.

After the formal proceeding ended the Mayor invited his guests to join him and his Consort for refreshments.