WELSH language enthusiasts in England meet regularly in Ross-on-Wye for a ‘sgwrs’.

The flourishing Welsh language group meets at St Mary's Church in Ross on the first Saturday of each month so that they can have a 'sgwrs', which means 'chat' in Cymru. 

Margaret Gabb and Jean Brown decided to expand their Welsh chat at the church two years ago and invite other Welsh speakers and learners to come and join them for a coffee and share their experiences and ideas.

As a result the group has grown from the two originals to nearly 40 people with plenty of room for everyone to gather.

Jean said that while not everyone attending is able to speak Welsh fluently, but many of those present are able to advise newcomers on the various on-line courses and other means of learning that they have experienced.  

The coffee morning enables those who are learning to be able to practice with fluent Welsh speakers, helping them to improve their language skills.  

If anyone is interested in finding more about the Welsh group and the culture, then go along to the next coffee morning at St Mary's Church on ‘Saturday, October 5, anytime from 10.30am onwards where there will be  a ‘croeso cynnes’ (warm welcome) will be waiting for you.