HEREFORDSHIRE planners have approved an application for a change of use of agricultural land to become home to four holiday shepherd’s huts.

The application to create new holiday accommodation on land attached to the residential dwelling at Lyne Down, Much Marcle, also included the change of use of an area of agricultural land of 0.136 hectares to accommodate the holiday accommodation.

The location ensures that the huts are screened from neighbouring properties and in particular from Kittles the Grade II listed house located off the shared entrance driveway.

The accommodation will be created using traditional shepherd’s huts on wheels that will be positioned on a gravel standing.

The applications states: “The accommodation will satisfy a growing market for holiday accommodation within rural Herefordshire with minimal environmental impact utilising new and repurposed huts which are constructed with very simple techniques and of minimal resources.

The application adds that the huts will be positioned in an unused grassed field well away from any existing trees and hedgerows resulting in little impact on the natural environment.

A planning officer concluded: “Whilst acknowledging the relatively high level of local concerns in respect of the application, however, when the proposal is assessed against the adopted development plan, it is considered that it is compliant with regard to all relevant planning policy and material considerations.

“It is therefore concluded that the proposal is recommended for approval.”