A PROPOSAL to construct five one-bedroom apartments to the rear of Albion Chambers in Gloucester Road in Ross, has been approved by Herefordshire planners.

The proposal Is for a development similar to that which had already been approved in 2020, but will be restricted to non car ownership occupiers.

The two ground floor apartments will have adjoining courtyard areas. An Internal staircase is proposed to serve the two apartments on the first floor and the single apartment on the second floor.

The ground and first floor apartments each have an Internal floor area of 38.35 square metres and the second-floor apartment has an internal floor area of 49.45 square metres.

Access to the property is proposed from the existing access road to the South of the site from Old Gloucester Road. This access road Is a no through road serving the rear of a limited number of properties with frontages to Gloucester Road and Old Gloucester Road.

It is intended that these town centre apartments will be occupied by owners or tenants who do not use private motor vehicles as the properties are within a short walk of the town’s shops and other facilities.

It is proposed as per the original planning permission that the storm and foul drainage will be connected to the public sewers.

The site is located in a Conservation area adjacent to generally traditional three storey buildings. To reflect the character of the area a three-storey building is proposed with a natural slate roof at a traditional pitch of 35 degrees.

The walls are proposed to be finished in traditional red brickwork with a blue brick plinth.

As part of the planning approval the applicant was reminded that future tenants / owners will not be issued with parking permits so as to ensure the development is maintained as car free, due to its sustainable location.

The planners also stipulated that the residents should be provided with covered and secure cycle parking facilities within the grounds of the site. The report stated: “This is to ensure that there is adequate provision for secure cycle accommodation within the application site, encouraging alternative modes of transport in accordance with both local and national planning policy.”