THE Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo offers a unique experience at Symonds Yat West, where visitors can walk with butterflies from around the world. Children can learn about beautiful butterflies by being up close to them and observing them and their natural habitats.
The attraction is indoors, it’s tropical, and it’s teeming with exotic butterflies. Real butterflies fly around as you discover their fascinating lives in close-up.
They’re amazing. You are able to see for yourself every stage of their life-cycle: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and some of the world’s most beautiful butterflies.
The species that are bred in the zoo have fascinating survival strategies, and there’s lots to learn. Feel free to bring a camera for superb wildlife photography.
For more information, please call 01600 890360.
The Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo is part of the Wye Valley Visitor Centre, it is open through the winter seven days a week, 10am-5pm, last entry 4pm.