West Mercia Police have re-launched their ‘Stop Rape Now’ campaign, to target students heading to college and university this autumn.

‘Stop Rape Now’ aims to encourage students and young adults to have an open conversation about rape and sexual offences, and it also looks to educate and inform students about the complex issues around consent, of which there may be misconceptions.

The campaign focuses on critisising aspects of ‘rape culture,’ where blame may be placed on the victim if they are drunk, or wear revealing clothing. Some of the anti-rape campaign posters state that:“Having fun is not a crime...rape is.”

Others display the messages:“Being drunk is no defence for raping someone,”“If they can’t say yes, they haven’t consented,” and:“It doesn’t matter if you think she’s up for it, sex without consent is rape.”

The campaign also highlights that consent to sex must be obtained each and every time sexual activity occurs; not just once and it can be withdrawn at any time. Other slogans on the posters state:“Just because they consented yesterday, doesn’t mean they have today. Sex without consent is rape.”